Homeroom teachers can take daily attendance to track which students came to school each day. Teachers can also take attendance on a course-by-course basis. Any attendance marking other than “Present” will be stored.
Staff can check in daily to see a list of teachers who have and have not submitted their attendance. They can also edit attendance records, if necessary.
Select a student to view dates and reasons for all days that a student was marked absent/tardy/late/excused.
Schooldriver is prepackaged with a number of attendance reports. Staff can also generate attendance reports by student, aggregates, and date. Apply filters to get more specific data, such as an attendance report for a particular trimester.
Filtering options are available to use as well. Combine date filters and status filters, or use them individually. For example, look up tardy students for a particular month, or all students marked as Absent Excused.
All attendance data can be exported into an Excel file.
A specific example of the reporting capabilities mentioned above. Produce a Word document with a list of student names who have zero absences and tardies for the date range and/or year you set.