Work Study
Add students into the student worker module to associate more work specific information with them, such as work placement, supervisor, ADP number, working day, transportation, SSN, work permit number, and work history.
Student worker data can be exported if desired.
Keep track of all student workers, their work assignments, and supervisor reviews. After a students submits a time card, a supervisor receives an e-mail with a link to the time card and reviews the time card, comments, appraises and submits. This time card is then archived for future reference and reporting.
Monitor time cards - Quickly filter or gather more detailed information on particular days or students. Staff members can also view whether or not a student’s work supervisor has approved the student’s time card that was submitted to them.
Take attendance - Schooldriver creates a list of student workers for each day and allows work-study staff to take attendance of them (Present, Absent, Tardy).
Work team information - Save basic information for each work site associated with the school, including Department of Labor forms and contracts. Also, record and save client visits and evaluations.
Assign staff to work teams - Schooldriver calls this staff member a Contact CRA (Client Relationship Associate). CRAs manage relationships with work teams.
Work team visits and evaluations - Store and record client visits that work study staff conducts. Users will see who did the visit, and have the opportunity to take notes on the visit.
Organize supervisors - Save information about each supervisor in charge of one or more work teams, including their name, e-mail, number and title.
If your school has contracts with outside companies, you can conveniently create and send companies an electronic version of your contract.
Companies can sign online via a special link generated when the school creates a new contract. Once approved by the company through the link, they can print a PDF file of the contract for their own reference, and Schooldriver will keep it on file it as well. Schooldriver can handle separate contracts for separate companies.